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These docs are for v2023.12. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.08.01.

Customer one-off purchases

Applies to roles:

System Administrator Customer Service Sales Agent Finance

View one-off purchase

The one-off purchases area provides a quick summary of customer pay per view or access passes; you'll see the date purchased, name, price, referrer ID and order ID.

To view more detail about the purchases select View


Add a one-off purchase with existing payment method

  1. Select + Add which will open the Add purchase wizard. You can select a one-off purchase, by default products are filtered by the customers currency. To change the currency, select CHANGE in the title bar and choose a currency from the drop down.

  2. Choose a one-off purchase from the catalogue and select Next. Once added, a confirmation of the product and the amount will be displayed in the cart.

  3. If required, enter a referrer ID. The code is validated after entry.

  4. You can't add a discount to a one-off purchase select Next

  5. Choose an existing payment method and select Next. The Order Summary screen will show details of the order including subscription, price, discounts and final price after discounts are applied

  6. Review the details and select ‘Finish

Adding an alternative payment method during add one-off purchase

  1. Select + Add which will open the Add purchase wizard. You can select a one-off purchase, by default products are filtered by the customers currency. To change the currency, select CHANGE in the title bar and choose a currency from the drop down.

  2. Choose a one-off purchase from the catalogue and select Next. Once added, a confirmation of the product and the amount will be displayed in the cart.

  3. If required, enter a referrer ID. The code is validated after entry.

  4. You can't add a disocunt to a one-off purchase. Select Next

  5. Choose Add card. A new tab in your browser will open

  6. A summary of the customer's details will be displayed, select Add payment. This will launch the Global Iris or Realex Payments secure hosted payment page (HPP).

  7. Enter the customer’s card number, expiry date, security code and cardholder name

  8. Select the ‘Pay Now’ button once finished (at this stage you’re authorising the card, not taking a payment). A success message will appear if the details entered were correct and the card will be stored against customer’s account.

  9. Go back to the previous tab and click the refresh button next to the Select payment drop down.

  10. Select the newly added payment method from the drop down and select Finish. The Order Summary screen will show details of the order including subscription, price, discounts and final price after discounts are applied.

  11. Review the details and select Finish

Managing a one-off purchase

You can see:

  • Information
  • Filter History
  • Change Payment method
  • Edit billing date
  • Edit referrer ID/ Viewing card
  • View Crossgrades
  • Cancel
  • Pause

Add a manual payment

If a customer makes a manual payment, in person with cash, then this transaction balance needs to be manually added to their account.

  1. In the Customer account area select View
  2. Locate the one-off purchase you want to add a manual payment
  3. Select Add payment
  4. Select the payment type you want to add Cash or Voucher

The following fields will be displayed:

  • Cash amount – this is mandatory
  • Official receipt number
  • Collection code
  • Temporary receipt number
  1. Complete the required fields
  2. Select Confirm

The Customer account statement will now show the manual payment entry along with the updated account balance.