Our award-winning subscription, billing and CRM platform gives you the flexibility critical to growth, and we are focused on delivering a solution that is the reliable backbone to your subscription business.
Subscription management
Our flexible subscription management lets you tailor your offers to the needs of your subscribers and easily manage multiple price variations and payment frequencies.
Benefit from:
- Simple subscription creation
- Support multiple business models including content and product subscriptions
- Apply multiple prices to the same subscription
- Attach discounts to subscriptions during and after set-up
- Customised discounts and tracking
- Flexible payment frequency daily, weekly, monthly and annually
Nothing frustrates a subscriber more than inaccurate billing. Our easy to use platform supports all your billing needs.
- Support 300 payment methods and 100 currencies worldwide
- Mid month pro-rata adjustments
- Tax support
- Currency and entitlement rate support
- Credit control cycle
- Pre-integrated payment service providers
Understand your customer and segment your data easily for offers and communications.
- Single customer view
- Real-time insight dashboard to monitor KPIs
- Sophisticated segmentation for marketing campaigns and customer communications
- Security – delivering the right product entitled to the subscriber
- Integrates across your core infrastructure
- Fully integrated with Singula Subscriber Intelligence Platform
Updated over 1 year ago
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