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Customer subscription products

Applies to roles:

System Administrator Customer Service Sales Agent Finance

View a subscription product

  1. View a customer account
  2. Select Products

Customer's products

Find a subscription product

  1. View a customer account
  2. Select Products
  3. Locate a subscription product using search and filters

Search for a product name
Time period when the product was added to the customers account
Product type either subscription, pay per view or access pass
Status either active, inactive or expired
Discounted products show products with a discount


Good to know

You can only use the filters that are relevant to the products on the customers account. For example, if the customer has three active subscriptions, when viewing the status filter you will only see the 'Active' option available. You will be unable to select the other options in the list.

View subscription account history

  1. View a customer account
  2. Select Products
  3. Choose a subscription product. The subscription account history will be displayed.

A subscription account history can contain:

  • Repeating charges
  • Credits
  • Charges
  • Payments
  • Refunds
  • Initial charges

Example subscription account history

Cancel a subscription

  1. Choose the pen to edit the subscription product
  2. Select subscription status
  3. Select cancel subscription
  4. Select cancel on date or cancel immediately
  5. Select cancel subscription

Cancel on date

  • Select the date of cancellation
  • The cancellation fee will be calculated based on the date of cancellation.
  • You can select the payment method to clear the cancellation fee
  • You can choose to write-off the cancellation fee
  • You can choose the cancellation reason

Cancel immediately

  • The cancellation fee will be calculated based on the date of cancellation.
  • You can select the payment method to clear the cancellation fee
  • You can choose to write-off the cancellation fee
  • You can choose the cancellation reason

Cancel a subscription product

Change a subscription product

  1. Choose the pen to edit the subscription product
  2. Select subscription status. 'Sorry, you’re not able to change this subscription.' will be displayed if no crossgrade options are available.
  3. Select the new subscription. A summary of the selected subscription will be displayed including any pro-rata charges.
  4. Choose an available discount, if required
  5. Choose from an existing payment method
  6. Select Change subscription

Change a subscription product

The customer will be charged the pro-rated amount and their bill date will be adjusted to ‘today’

The customer will be charged the pro-rated amount and their bill date will be adjusted to ‘today’. The new subscription will be active along with its new term (monthly or annual).


  • If an immediate downgrade is requested, this will be completed immediately and billing will be pro-rated and the new subscription term started.
  • If the default downgrade option is chosen, then this will be scheduled to downgrade at the end of the current subscription’s minimum term. The subscription will be shown as Downgrade Scheduled. There will be no pro-rationed billing applied and once the downgrade is complete the new subscription’s minimum term will become active.

Example subscription with a downgrade scheduled

Pause a subscription

  1. Choose the pen to edit the subscription product
  2. Select subscription status
  3. Select Pause subscription.
  4. Choose the number of billing days to pause the subscription. You are limited to a maximum of 24 billing periods or the number specified in your 'CONTRACT_PAUSE_MONTHS_PER_YEAR' setting.
  5. Select Confirm to schedule the pause. The pause will commence on the customers next charge day.

There are some restrictions which prevent you from pausing a subscription product:

  • A subscription in a free trial period
  • A subscription is billed annually or quarterly

Cancel a schedule pause

  1. Choose the pen to edit the subscription product. The subscription status should indicate 'Pause Scheduled'
  2. Select Withdraw pause
  3. Select Cancel scheduled pause
  4. You'll be asked to confirm the removal of the scheduled pause.
  5. Once confirmed the customers subscription status will return to 'Active' and won't be paused

Resume a paused subscription early

  1. Choose the pen to edit the subscription product. The subscription status should indicate 'Paused'
  2. Select Withdraw pause
  3. Select Cancel scheduled pause
  4. You'll be asked to confirm the removal of the pause.
  5. Once confirmed the customers subscription will resume immediately

Change payment method

  1. Choose the pen to edit the subscription product
  2. Select Payment method. The current payment method will be displayed.
  3. Select Change payment method
  4. Choose the new payment method. If no alternative payment method is available you can select New payment method
  5. To apply the new payment method select Save
  6. You will be asked to confirm this change. Select Yes, I'm sure

Fully or Partially refund a credit/debit card payment

To refund a customer payment

  1. In the Customer account area select Products
  2. Locate the customer’s subscription
  3. Select 'Refund' next to the payment line item
  4. The 'Refund' panel will be displayed
  5. The transaction ID will be pre-poulated, along with the date and time of the payment
  6. Enter the refund amount. The amount cannot exceed the remaining amount - that could be either the full amount, or the remaing amount (if a partial refund has already taken place)
  7. Select the 'Refund reason' from the available options
  8. Select 'Confirm'
  9. You will be asked to check and confirm the refund value. Select Confirm
  10. The subscription account and payment line item will be updated to reflect the refund

Add a manual credit

You may need to credit a customer’s subscription account. This may be a goodwill gesture for a poor experience or service issue.

  1. In the Customer account area select Products
  2. Locate the customer’s subscription
  3. Select Edit
  4. Within the Account Balance area, select Add credit

Item to add

  • Variable – this allows you to specify a credit amount up to a threshold. The minimum and maximum value is set by your onboarding team.
  • Fixed – this credits a fixed amount. This fixed amount is specified by your onboarding team.

If no standard account items are available, you will see ‘You are not able to add a credit as no standard account items are available.’. Standard Account Items are created as part of onboarding. If these are not available, please contact our Support team.

Item amount

  • If a variable item is selected, you can enter a value between a minimum and maximum value.
  • If a static item is selected, the fixed amount is displayed for you. You cannot change this value.
  1. Select Confirm
  2. You will be asked to confirm the credit amount.
  3. The subscription account balance will be updated to reflect the credit.

Adding a manual credit to a subscription

Add a manual charge

You may need to add an additional charge a customer’s subscription account. This may be to correct any payment errors or manage customer debt.

  1. In the Customer account area select Products
  2. Locate the customer’s subscription
  3. Select Edit
  4. Within the Account Balance area, select Add charge

Item to add

  • Variable – this allows you to specify a charge amount up to a threshold. The minimum and maximum value is set by your onboarding team.
  • Static– this credits a fixed amount. This fixed amount is specified by your onboarding team.

If no standard account items are available, you will see ‘You are not able to add a charge as no standard account items are available.’. Standard Account Items are created as part of onboarding. If these are not available, please content our Support team.

Item amount

  • If a variable item is selected, you can enter a value between a minimum and maximum value.
  • If a static item is selected, the fixed amount is displayed for you. You cannot change this value.
  1. Select Confirm
  2. You will be asked to confirm the charge amount.
  3. The subscription account balance will be updated to reflect the charge.

Adding a manual charge to a subscription

Add a credit/debit card payment

You may need to add an additional payment to a customer’s subscription account. This may be to pay an outstanding debt. A payment can currently be made using a credit/debit card.

  1. In the Customer account area select Products
  2. Locate the customer’s subscription
  3. Select Edit
  4. Within the Account Balance area, select Add payment
  5. Select a payment method from the stored payment options. If a payment method does not exist, you can another by selecting ‘+ Add payment method’
  6. Enter a value of the payment. This is up to the maximum value specified in the system configuration.
  7. Select Confirm
  8. You will be asked to check and confirm the payment value and method. Select Confirm

The subscription account and balance will be updated to reflect the payment


Adding a payment to a subscription

Change referrer ID

  1. Choose the pen to edit the subscription product
  2. Select referrer ID
  3. Enter new referrer ID
  4. Select Change to confirm

Change subscription referrer ID

Withdraw a scheduled downgrade

A customer's subscription product may be in a 'Scheduled Downgrade' state. If you want to remove this scheduled change:

  1. Locate the subscription - the status of the subscription should be 'Downgrade scheduled'
  2. Select 'Edit'
  3. Select the 'Change subscription' tab. This may already be selected by default
  4. You will see when the downgrade to due and what the subscription will change to
  5. Select 'Withdraw scheduled downgrade'
  6. You will be asked to confirm the change
  7. The 'Scheduled downgrade' status will be removed and will return to 'Active'

Subscription in a scheduled downgrade state

Change a subscription bill date

A customer may want to change the date they pay for their recurring subscription

  1. In the Customer account area select Products
  2. Locate the customer’s subscription
  3. Select Edit
  4. Select the Next Charge Date section
  5. Select value in the 'New charge day' option
  6. You have the option to pro-rate the charge. Select the toggle to calculate the pro-rated charge or credit. The pro-rated charge or credit will be displayed
  7. Select Confirm
  8. You will be asked to check and confirm the change. Select Confirm

The subscription product will be updated to refelect the next charge date and the account will be updated to reflect any pro-rated chagres/credits (if selected).