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Customer account

Applies to roles:

System Administrator Customer Service Sales Agent Finance

The customer account gives you a summary of the customer including their personal details, recent products, open cases, payment methods and recent activity.


Example customer account

Customer account header

You will see the unique customer account number, customer's name and customer type 'Standard' or 'VIP'.



Example customer with type 'Standard'



Example customer with type 'VIP'

Customer account menu

The customer account menu enables you to navigate around the customer's account quickly and easily.


The customer menu

Personal details

You will see the customers address, contact details, email address and refer a friend code. You may also see either display name or customer PIN depending on the system configuration.


Customer's personal details

Recent products

You will see the name, type, price, date started and current status of a recent product.

Select the product to view more information on the product. All products can be viewed by selecting Products


Customer's recent products


Add product

Selecting Add product will take you out of BETA into the existing customer checkout.

Open cases

You will see open cases on the customer's account.

Select the case to view more information on the case. All cases can be viewed by selecting Cases


Customer's open cases


View case

Selecting 'View case' will take you out of BETA into the existing customer case screen.

Payment methods

You will see all the active payment methods that have been added to the customer account - ordered by date added

You will see the type and status for each. Statuses include active and expired.


Customer's payment methods


Manage payment methods

Selecting Manage will take you out of BETA into the existing customer payment screen.

Recent activity

You can see the last five actions on the customer account. See Customer activity for more details.


Customer's recent activity

Edit a customer

You can edit when you see the pen icon.