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These docs are for v2024.02.01. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.08.01.

Customer cases

Applies to roles:

System Administrator Customer Service Sales Agent

Viewing customer cases

Customer cases are used by customer service agents to record customer contacts.

  1. Find a customer account
  2. View the most recent 'Open' cases within the 'Cases' widget on the customer account page
  3. Recently opened cases can be opened directly from the customer account by selecting the '>' icon within the widget
  4. To view all customer cases, select 'Cases' from the customer account menu

List of customer cases

Finding customer cases

You can quickly find cases using the available filters. Choose from:

  • time period - case raised before or after a date
  • case type - cases that have been created with a certain case type
  • case status - open or closed cases
  • case priority - the priority allocated to the case when created
  • search - find cases based on keywords in the subject and description
  • tag - find cases based on how they have been tagged
  • deadline - find cases that have a deadline or due date applied

Viewing a customer case

  1. From the cases page, select 'View' to view a customer case
  2. Recently opened cases can be opened directly from the customer account by selecting the '>' icon within the widget
  3. The case will be displayed. You will see:
  • The status of a case - OPEN or CLOSED
  • The type of case
  • Priority of case – if applied
  • Case deadline – if applied
  • Contact method
  • Who and when the case was added
  • Case details
  • Additional notes added to the case allowing you to track history including closed and reopened notes.

Adding a customer case

  1. To add a case select 'Add case' from the cases widget on the customer account page or on the customer cases page
  2. The 'New customer case' page will be displayed
  3. Complete the case details. Mandatory fields are indicated with a *
  4. The case priority default will be set based on Case Priorities settings
  5. Once complete, you can:
  • Save the case - the case is saved against the customer account and will remain open
  • Save and close the case - the case is saved against the customer account and will be closed

New customer case

Adding a note to a customer case

  1. Locate the customer account and customer case
  2. Select the pencil icon next to 'Additional notes' or select the pencil icon in the lower corner of the page
  3. The edit case panel will appear from the bottom of the screen
  4. Select the note section. It may already be selected by default
  5. Choose a subject from the dropdown
  6. Add your note
  7. Select 'Add note' to apply the note to the existing case

Add additional note

Close a customer case

Once a customer case has been actioned or is no longer required it should be closed

  1. Locate the customer account and an open customer case
  2. Select the pencil icon next to 'Status' or select the pencil icon in the lower corner of the page
  3. The edit case panel will appear from the bottom of the screen
  4. Select the 'Status' section. It may already be selected by default
  5. Choose a closure reason from the dropdown
  6. You'll need to add a note to explain the closure
  7. Select 'Close case'
  8. The case will now be closed and the closure reason will be displayed on the case

Closure reason

Reopen a customer case

Once a customer case has been closed, it can be reopened for edit purposes

  1. Locate the customer account and a closed customer case
  2. Select the pencil icon next to 'Status' or select the pencil icon in the lower corner of the page
  3. The edit case panel will appear from the bottom of the screen
  4. Select the 'Status' section. It may already be selected by default
  5. Choose a reopen reason from the dropdown
  6. You'll need to add a note to explain the reason for reopening the case
  7. Select 'Reopen case'
  8. The case will now be opened and the reopen reason will be displayed on the case

Edit a customer case

  1. Locate the customer account and a open customer case
  2. Select the pencil icon in the lower corner of the page
  3. The edit case panel will appear from the bottom of the screen
  4. Select the 'Edit case' section. It may already be selected by default
  5. Change the case details as required. Mandatory fields are indicated with a *
  6. Select 'Save case to apply to edits. 'Clear' will not save and revert the case to the original.