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These docs are for v2024.02.01. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.08.01.

Adding a customer product

Applies to roles:

System Administrator Customer Service Sales Agent

Viewing the product catalogue

The product catalogue contains all the products that are available for sale.

  1. Select 'Add products' from the 'Products' widget on the customer account, alternatively, navigate to the 'Products' page and select 'Add products'

Finding products

You can quickly find products using the available filters. Choose from:

  • product type - either subscription, pay per view or access pass
  • product currency - if products are available in multiple currencies
  • category - location in the product catalogue (for example all products within a sports category)
  • discounted products - show only products that have a linked discount
  • search - find for products by name. '%' can be used for wildcard searches.
  1. Enter or select your filters
  2. Select 'Apply filter' to refine the product catalogue

Product catalogue

Viewing product information

Once you have found your product(s) you have the option to view further product details
4. Select the 'i' icon to reveal the product details.

Product details include: description, pricing, discounts (if available), free trials (if applicable), minimum term (if applicable), charge frequency and catalogue location.


Product details

Adding a product to the cart

  1. Add your products to the cart by selecting the 'Add to cart' button
  2. Once added, the 'Cart' button will be displayed in the customer account menu. The number of products in the cart will be displayed.



A shopping cart can only contain one subscription. You are able to include multiple pay-per-view and/or access passes along with one subscription.

Viewing a cart summary

  1. By placing your cursor over the 'Cart' button you will reveal a cart summary

The cart summary allows you to: view the products in the cart, view any discounts, view a cost breakdown and view the total cart charge.

Remove products from the cart

  1. You can remove products and associated discounts from the cart by selecting 'x' within the cart summary. Selecting 'Clear cart' will remove all items and associated discounts from the cart.

Viewing the cart

  1. To view the cart, select the 'Cart' button

Choosing a discount


Discount availability

Discounts are only available for subscription products.

  1. If your cart contains a subscription product then you have the option to apply a discount. A discount can be applied in a number of different ways.

Select a discount
A discount can be selected from the dropdown. You will only see discounts that are available for that product.

Select a discount and select a multi-use promo code
A discount that requires a muti-use promo code is indicated by the Campaign and Source (e.g. First month free (SUMMER, EMAIL). When a discount is selected the multi-use promo codes will be available for selection.

Enter a promo code
You can enter a promo code and once you select '+' the discount will be identified and displayed within discount dropdown.

Remove a discount
A discount can be removed from the cart by selecting the 'No discount' option.

Changing a discount
A discount can be changed by selecting an alternative discount from the options available.

Adding a customer viewing card to the cart (if required by the products selected)

  1. Enter the customer viewing card number
  2. Select '+' to check the viewing card number is valid and belongs to this customer.

Adding a referrer ID to the cart

  1. You can optionally enter a referrer ID. See Referrer for more information.

Adding a payment method to the cart

  1. Select 'New payment method' to add the customers payment method. See Customer payment methods.
    OR if a payment method exists then you can select it from list. Only active payment methods will be available.


Zero charge cart

If the cart contains free products and no recurring charge is expected. Then you will not be required to select a payment method. the NOT_PROVIDED payment method will be added to the customer account and used for the checkout.

Checkout cart

  1. Select the 'Confirm purchase' button to apply the products to the customers account.