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These docs are for v2024.02. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.08.01.

BETA Promotions

Viewing promotions

  1. From the Marketing tab select Discounts

All discounts, active and disabled, will be displayed. You can filter discounts by status.



Create and generate promo code

  1. From the Marketing tab select Promotions
  2. Select New promotion

Promotion information

  1. Complete the promotion name and promotion description - this will be presented to your customers.
  2. Choose to link your promotion to a campaign and source.

Promotion code

  1. Choose to generate promo codes
  2. Enter number of codes to generate - up to a maximum of 200,000 codes
  3. Enter the length of promo code - between 6 and 32 characters
  4. Specify a promo code prefix - the prefix is included in the total promo code length

Promotion availability

  1. Choose when you want your promotion to start and end or choose to disable for later use.
  2. Select Save

New promotion

Create and upload promo codes

  1. From the Marketing tab select Promotions
  2. Select New promotion

Promotion information

  1. Complete the promotion name and promotion description - this will be presented to your customers.
  2. Choose to link your promotion to a campaign and source.

Promotion code

  1. Choose to upload promo codes
  2. Choose a CSV file - you can download a sample file from the application

Promotion availability

  1. Choose when you want your promotion to start and end or choose to disable for later use
  2. Select Save

New promotion

Edit a promotion

  1. From the Marketing tab select Promotions
  2. Identify and select your promotion
  3. Make your changes
  4. Select the Save button to save your changes