Creating a customer
Applies to roles:
System Administrator Customer Service Sales Agent FinanceOnline or Contact Centre Agent
A customer can be created by the customer through an online registration process or by an agent in a contact centre.
- From the 'Customer' tab select 'New customer'

New customer creation
Personal details
- Complete the customers personal details. The email address you enter will automatically populate the username field. You have the option to change the username.
About customer
- Complete additional information about the customer. Once the customer account has been created the currency cannot be changed.
Customer address
- Choose the address type
- Choose the country
- Search for an address using the customers house number and postcode (UK only). If an exact match is not found, you'll be able to select the customer address from the search results. You also have the option to enter the address manually
- Select 'Add' to apply the address. You can remove the address by selecting the 'Trash' icon

Contact details
- Complete the customers contact telephone numbers
Customer consents
- Select the relevant customer consents
Customer attributes
If available, enter the customer attributes required by your business.
Select 'Create customer' to save the customer. Any errors on the page will be highlighted.
Once saved the customers account can be amended or additional details added - see Managing a customer's personal details.
Updated about 1 year ago