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These docs are for v2023.12.01. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.08.01.

BETA Discounts

Viewing discounts

  1. From the Marketing tab select Discounts

All discounts, active and disabled, will be displayed. You can filter discounts by status.



Create a discount

  1. From the Marketing tab select Discounts
  2. Select New discount

Discount information

  1. Complete the discount name and discount description - this will be presented to your customers.

Discount value

  1. Choose a discount type either fixed price or percentage

Percentage discount

  • Enter percentage value
  • Add discount restriction. For example 30% for 3 months where 3 would be the number of times to apply the discount.

Fixed price

  • Choose currency
  • Enter value
  • Add discount restriction. For example 30% for 3 months where 3 would be the number of times to apply the discount.
  1. Choose if you want the discount to be used as part of a refer a friend campaign.

  2. Choose if you want the discount to be linked to a promotion, either a single use promo or multi-use promo

  3. Select Save


Create a new discount

Edit a discount

  1. From the Marketing tab select Discounts
  2. Identify and select your discount
  3. Make your changes
  4. Select the Save button to save your changes