Log In
These docs are for v2024.02. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.08.01.

Update a customer.

Update individual fields of an existing customer.
Response Code | Fault Code | Fault | Suggested User Message
------------- | ---------- | ----- | ----------------------
404 | 90068 | UnknownCustomerFault | Customer ID provided is incorrect
400 | 90038 | MandatoryContactMethodMissingFault | Contact Method Required
400 | 90026 | InvalidPostcodeFault | Postcode provided is incorrect
400 | 90020 | InvalidDateOfBirthFault | Date of Birth provided is incorrect
400 | 90073 | UnsafePasswordScoreFault | Provided Password does not meet minimum secure requirements
404 | 90066 | UnknownConsentFault | ConsentId provided does not exist
400 | 90011 | IncorrectUsernameFailureFault | Username provided is incorrect
404 | 90067 | UnknownContactMethodFault | Contact Method provided does not exist
500 | 90061 | SystemFailureFault | System Failure, please try again later
400 | 90037 | MandatoryConsentMissingFault | Consent Method Required
400 | 90004 | AuthenticationFailureFault | Password provided is incorrect
400 | 90003 | AddressCreationFailureFault | Address creation has failed
400 | 90074 | UsernameExistsFailureFault | Username Provided already exists
