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These docs are for v2024.02.01. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.08.01.

Cancel contract.

Cancel a customers contract.
Response Code | Fault Code | Fault | Suggested User Message
------------- | ---------- | ----- | ----------------------
400 | 90016 | InvalidCancellationDateFault | Cancellation date provided is invalid
404 | 90041 | NoContractFoundFault | Contract ID does not exist
400 | 90017 | InvalidContractStateFault | Contract cannot be changed at this time
500 | 90061 | SystemFailureFault | System Failure, Please try again later
400 | 90025 | InvalidPaymentMethodFault | Payment method provided is incorrect
400 | 90006 | ContractCancellationFault | Failed to cancel contract
