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These docs are for v2024.01.01. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.08.01.

Deactivates the customers payment method.

Deactivate one of existing payment methods if it is not in use on any account.
Response Code | Fault Code | Fault | Suggested User Message
------------- | ---------- | ----- | ----------------------
404 | 90043 | NoPaymentMethodsFoundFault | Payment Method not found
404 | 90049 | PaymentMethodRequiredFault | No payment method provided
500 | 90061 | SystemFailureFault | System Failure, please try again later
404 | 90068 | UnknownCustomerFault | Customer does not exist
400 | 90105 | PaymentMethodRemovalFault | Unable to remove payment method
400 | 90126 | PaymentMethodInUseFault | Cannot deactivate payment method that is in use
