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These docs are for v2023.12. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.08.01.

Remove items

Remove one or more items from an existing cart. For an item, if only itemCode is supplied, all items with that itemCode will be removed. If itemData is also supplied, then the item with that itemCode and the matching itemData id (name is ignored) will be removed.
Response Code | Fault Code | Fault | Suggested User Message
------------- | ---------- | ----- | ----------------------
400 | 90064 | UnableToRemoveItemsFault | Item cannot be removed from cart
400 | 90023 | InvalidItemCombinationFault | Item {itemCode} cannot be added to this cart
404 | 90040 | NoCartFoundFault | Cart does not exist
500 | 90061 | SystemFailureFault | System Failure, please try again later
