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Create a new cart, optionally adding items and discount

Create a new cart which can be used to make purchases. Items may be added at this point as well as a discount
Response Code | Fault Code | Fault | Suggested User Message
------------- | ---------- | ----- | ----------------------
400 | 90035 | ItemAlreadyPurchasedFault | Item Already Purchased
400 | 90036 | ItemNotWithinBuyWindowFault | Item unavailable for purchase
403 | 90076 | ValidateWithProviderFailedFault | Provider {name} cannot validate the device
404 | 90022 | InvalidDiscountCodeFault | Discount does not exist
400 | 90023 | InvalidItemCombinationFault | Item {itemCode} cannot be added to this cart
404 | 90069 | UnknownItemCodeFault | Incorrect Item Code provided
400 | 90079 | VCNRequiredFault | A Viewing Card is required for this purchase
400 | 90062 | UnableToAddItemsFault | Item {itemCode} cannot be added to this cart
400 | 90009 | InactiveVCNFault | Viewing Card provided is inactive
400 | 90052 | PpvPinIncorrectFault | Incorrect PIN provided
400 | 90031 | InvalidVCNFault | Viewing Card provided is Invalid
500 | 90061 | SystemFailureFault | System Failure, please try again later
400 | 90053 | PpvPinRequiredFault | PIN required
