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Singula® Subscriber Management Release Notes: Version 2021.04

What’s new

The latest release of SSM offers the following product enhancements:

New Product Role to access non-CRM based SSM data

The Administrator (NO CRM) role has been created allowing Clients to setup their users to a non CRM based role. This role is specifically for access to SSM Data where a user will not require access to CRM.



What does the role Administrator (NO CRM) allow you to access?



  • Services; Subscriptions, Crossgrades, One-off purchases and Catalogue
  • Marketing: Promotions, Offers and Discounts
  • Finance; Billing, Charges and credits, Payments, Audit and Vouchers
  • Configuration; System Options, Email Templates and Email Domain Management

Enhancement to enable a discount to be saved with a zero price

You can now create a discount with a price reduction of zero. This can be used by a client for identification purposes:



Beta Environment enhancements

Three enhancements on the Beta environment giving full functionality to manage Case Types, Case Sub Types, Case Tags and Case Closure Reasons.


Manage Case Types in full


Manage Case Sub-Types in full


Manage Case Tags in full


Manage Case Closure Reasons in full


Want to know more?

To find out more on each of these enhancements, simply search for their articles in Readme.