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2021.08 release notes

Version: SSM.2021.08
Release date: 11 August 2021
User guides: View

We're constantly working to improve your Singula Decisions experience. Here's a summary of what's new and what's fixed.

What's new

We continue to improve the UX through our BETA programme. This latest release introduces the ability to view a list of all customer products and customer cases.

Find your customer products faster

Introducing our new customer product page with support for enhanced filtering.


Support your customers quickly

Introducing our improved cases page with enhanced filtering options.


Improved UX between BETA and CRM

We've introduced and easier way to manage your customers between the current BETA pages and existing CRM app. If you can't yet do something in BETA, we'll now take you to a place you can - look out for the button below:

What's fixed

  • We've added a fix to support failed cancellations of Republic of Ireland customers via the Sky platform
  • We've added a fix to handle failed operations of Republic of Ireland customers via the Sky platform


Our BETA programme

Want to know more about our BETA programme? Speak to your account and see how you can get involved.