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Singula® Subscriber Management Release Notes: Version 2021.04.02

What's new

The latest release of SSM offers the following product enhancement:

Customer Access PIN generation

This functionality allows you to generate an Access PIN to give Non-DSAT Customers access to streaming services. This replaces the same eAgent function that has now been deprecated.

This Access PIN is unique and linked to their subscription and customers may get in touch looking to find out their PIN.

You can now use Singula Subscriber Management to check their Access PIN or generate an Access PIN for them if one doesn’t exist.

Let’s see what this looks like!

Step 1: Locate the Generate Access Pin under CRM



Step 2: Enter the customer's CSN and click search:


Step 3: If an Access PIN already exists then it will be shown here:


Step 4: If no Access PIN exists then there will be a button to generate a PIN, simply click this to generate a PIN and provide to the customer:



Want to know more?

To find out more about this enhancements, simply search for Access PIN in Readme.