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2021.05 release notes

Version: SSM.2021.05
Release date: 19 May 2021

We're constantly working to improve your Singula Decisions experience. Here's a summary of what's new and what's fixed.

What's new

The latest release of SSM offers the following product enhancements:

Search using Order ID in Advanced Search

You can now search for a customer record using an Order ID in Advanced Search:



Beta Environment enhancements

Latest release on the Beta environment giving full functionality in Beta to manage Case Closure Reasons and Case Priorities.

Manage Case Closure Reasons in full (Beta environment):


You can create, edit, enable/disable and delete all from one screen

Manage Case Priorities in full (Beta environment):


You can create, edit, set default, enable/disable and delete all from one screen


Want to know more?

To find out more on each of these enhancements, simply search for their articles in Readme.


Latest Bug fixes for 2020.05
