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2022.02 release notes

Version: SSM.2022.02
Release date: 10 March 2022
User guides: View

Maintaining customer products - BETA

As part of our BETA programme we've improved the way you can add a manual payment, a manual credit and a manual charge to a customer's subscription product.

Manage payment methods - BETA

Within our BETA screens you can now remove an INVOICE or NOT PROVIDED payment method from a customer's account.

Other enhancements

  • A client now has visibility of Sky Glass migrated customers
  • We've implemented data preference changes for a client
  • The NETS EASY logo is now visible within the SSM app
  • The SRD code is now include in the 3DS2 payload

What we've fixed

  • We've fixed an issue which meant the wrong logo was displayed on the password reset screen
  • We've fixed an issue which presented CA4 connectivity errors
  • We've fixed an issue which meant customer emails were not showing a single occurrence discount on crossgrade
  • We've fixed an issue which meant a PHP error in the website order summary page was displayed.